Al Duhail Football Team Delegation Leaves to Tajikistan Headed by Khalifa Khamis…

In Allah’s protection and care, our first team of football Delegation left at 5 pm today on a private jet to the Tajiki capital city Dushanbe to play their first AFC Champions League Group Stage fixture versus Al Istiklal next Tuesday evening.

The team delegation is headed by Al Duhail Club Vice President Mr. Khalifa Khamis, in addition to both technical and administrative staff members as well as the squad list selected by the Head Coach, where they will be accommodated in Hyatt Regency Hotel.

In the same context, the pre-match press conference will be held tomorrow evening at 6 in the presence of the team head coach and team captain Al Moez Ali.

Noting that the team concluded their training sessions in Doha today in the morning before heading to the airport. The players demonstrated a high level of physical skills and it was obvious their determination to return with a positive result from Dushanbe.