Al Duhail Dominates Al Sadd in a 5-1 Victory…

Al Duhail, led by manager Christophe Galtier, secured a resounding 5-1 victory over Al Sadd in the fifth round of the Ooredoo Stars League. The match, played at Khalifa International Stadium, saw Al Duhail dominate from start to finish, extending their lead at the top of the table.

Al Duhail’s lineup for the match was as follows:
Goalkeeper: Salah Zakaria, Lucas Verrissimo, Bassam Al Rawi, Paulo Edmilson, Luis Alberto, Al Moez Ali, Karim Boudiaf, Michel Olunga, Benjamin Bourigeaud, Ibrahim Kader, Humam Al Amin

Al Duhail started the match aggressively, with Edmilson winning an early penalty in the 5th minute. However, Al Sadd goalkeeper Meshaal Barsham saved Olunga’s spot-kick.

The breakthrough came in the 14th minute when Michael Olunga capitalized on a cross from Karim Boudiaf to give Al Duhail the lead. Edmilson then doubled the advantage with a brilliant solo effort in the 28th minute. Humam Al Amin made it 3-0 just minutes later, finishing off a superb pass from Edmilson. Edmilson completed his hat-trick with a stunning long-range strike in the 40th minute, before Al Sadd pulled one back through Hassan Al Haydoos just before halftime.

Al Moez Ali missed a golden opportunity to score Al Duhail fifth goal early in the second half, however he made it in the 56th minute with a header from a Boudiaf cross.

With this victory, Al Duhail extended their lead at the top of the table and maintained a perfect record after five matches.

Key highlights of the match:

Edmilson scored a hat-trick (28′, 40′, 56′)
Michael Olunga opened the scoring in the 14th minute
Hamam Al Amin scored in the 33rd minute
Almoez Ali scored the fifth goal in the 56th minute

60th minute: Abdullah Al Ahrak came on for Karim Boudiaf.
67th minute: Ismail Mohamed replaced Edmilson Junior.
85th minute: Rashid Al Abdullah came on for Michael Olunga.
85th minute: Sultan Al Brake replaced Al Moez Ali.

42nd minute: Karim Boudiaf received a yellow card.
73rd minute: Lucas Verrissimo received a yellow card.

This comprehensive victory showcases Al Duhail dominance in the Ooredoo Stars League and solidifies their position as the team to beat.